Community Partners

ROOTS & BRANCHES > Get Involved > Community Partners

Every Meal

Over 200,000 children in Minnesota don’t always have access to the nutrition they need to learn and grow. The Sheridan Story focuses on the weekend food gap, when children aren’t able to receive free and reduced meal programs at school. The Sheridan Story distributes more than 23,000 meals to kids in our community each week.

Roots and Branches is a Sponsor with The Sheridan Story. Sponsors partner directly with a specific school and donate towards the cost of the program. They also typically volunteer in the school each week to distribute the food to the kids.

Haven For Heroes

Haven for Heroes’ mission is to provide a place of safety and refuge for Veterans and/or their family members who, for whatever reason, need assistance.

We hold our veterans, who have selflessly served our country, in the highest regard. It is understood that there will be wounds of war and unwanted outcomes of serving, both visible and invisible.  Our intention is to partner with each veteran to help alleviate and mend those wounds. The goal is rebuilding and rejuvenating their whole person to live the life they desire and so richly deserve.

Hope 4 Youth

Hope 4 Youth provides pathways to end youth homelessness in our community. On any given night, there are more than 6,000 homeless young people in the State of Minnesota staying on the streets, many of them right here in our community. We work hard to change the life trajectories of the youth experiencing homelessness who need us.

Whether they need basic necessities – food from the food pantry, clothes from the clothing closet, a hot shower, a hot, nutritious meal, or personal hygiene items – or help finding housing, securing employment, finishing their education, or accessing health care, we help them find a path that allows them to move forward with their lives – no longer experiencing homelessness.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira